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Find Your Ring Size

By Proposing you need to be confident that you not only selected a good diamond for your beloved person but to be sure that it will fit perfect on her finger when the time comes to propose.

GD Ring Size Guide

By Proposing you need to be confident that you not only selected a good diamond for your beloved person but to be sure that it will fit perfect on her finger when the time comes to propose. This can turn out to a Challenge & by asking around what is the finger size you could very easy destroy the magic of the occasion which is to surprise her!

In this page we suggest you follow one of the following methods to find the right finger size:

  • a. Ask for her finger size a close relative or friend ,there is a big chance they know already.
  • b. Ask a friend who appears to have similar sized fingers what ring size they wear.
  • or
  • c. Follow the instructions below to determine ring size
UK Multisizer

UK Multisizer

EUROPE Multisizer

EUROPE Multisizer

Request a Free Ring Sizer

GALLERY DIAMOND would be glad to send you a Free Ring Sizer to assure that your Ring will fit perfect the day you propose!

Once your order is confirmed from our system, please contact us by email at or call at 0044 20 3318 7079, to send you a Free Ring Sizer by mail.

Ring Sizers are available only for customers living within Europe.

Printable Ring Size Guide

To use GD “printable” Ring Sizer (choice 1 & 2), follow these steps:

Choice 1:

  • Print it on a white paper. Pay attention to select “fit to page” option on your print command screen.
  • Cut out the sizer.
  • Make a slot in the sizer by cutting along the dotted line.
  • Roll the sizer into a circle with the numbers on the outside.
  • Insert the “arrow” end of the tab into the slot.
  • Place the sizer around your finger & pull the tab through the slot until the paper is snug around your finger.
  • Read finger size on the scale from 0-15.

Choice 2:

Get possession of a ring that already fits the recipient's 4th finger on the left hand.
By comparing the ring to the printable ring sizer below, you can accurately determine the correct ring size

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